Camera Hannah - Alternative Wedding Photography Derby UK: July 2013

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Preview - Antonia & Harvey's Creative Cornish Wedding at Love Lanes

Oh, Cornwall. You stole my heart for the second time. With their Coverack ceremony right by the sea and their wedding reception at Love Lanes, a boutique caravan campsite on Roskilly's farm (you HAVE to try their ice cream) Antonia & Harvey totally rocked their day. They even came up with the idea of having smoke bombs instead of confetti which was awesome, the way the coloured smoke caught the late evening light made for some of my all time favourite wedding portraits. 

Preview - Amy & Steve's Vintage Americana Themed Wedding at Yurt Camp Devon

Shooting Steve & Amy's wedding down near Newton Abbott, nestled in the stunning Devon countryside involved two nights on site at Yurt Camp Devon. Let me tell you, when you're five months pregnant and smack bam in the middle of a heatwave two nights in a yurt, in the fresh air and, at last, actually feeling cool at night is bloody marvellous. The wedding was bloody marvellous too. With a vintage americana feel Steve & Amy rocked their day with bluegrass and Elvis, maps of the country they love and decorations, food and drink inspired by the USA. 

Tuesday 16 July 2013

Preview - Jen & Tim's Cornish Camels Wedding

So, I won't lie... when Jen and Tim got in touch telling me about their wedding.... at a camel farm... in a gorgeous part of Cornwall... I just could not wait. First off they're an awesome couple.... tables named after iconic Neighbours Couples (oh, Drew... *sniff*) need I say more? And secondly... that venue! Where else would you get beautiful stone buildings, a sun soaked (almost rain soaked had it been a day before or after!) outdoor wedding, a mother-effing real life baby kangaroo (being hand reared by the lovely staff) and camels. Yeah, Cornish Camels is basically where it's at.

Tuesday 9 July 2013

Preview - Kat & Dan's Swan Hotel Cumbria Wedding

So off I popped to The Lake District for Kat & Dan's day. I loved that they were up for laying down in the gorgeous fields around the Swan Hotel (note: they have some insanely gorgeous wallpaper there) The shot in the grass is one of my all time favourites... calm and happy. I'm so lucky to be able to work with couples who trust me enough to lie down in their wedding clothes! 

Monday 1 July 2013

Preview - Sophie & Richard's Eltham Palace Wedding

I met Sophie and Richard at a wedding in London last year, and was so chuffed that they got in touch about their own day. The setting was the epic Eltham Palace and the day was a beautiful fusion of Indian and British traditions. At the heart of it all was Richard and Sophie, who so obviously adore each other, which is as good as it gets for me.