Camera Hannah - Alternative Wedding Photography Derby UK: Jen & Tim's Cornish Camels Neighbours-Themed Wedding WITH A BABY KANGAROO

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Jen & Tim's Cornish Camels Neighbours-Themed Wedding WITH A BABY KANGAROO

Sorry... I might still be over excited about the kangaroo... because... well KANGAROO! The teeny joey happened to be there as staff at Cornish Camels were hand rearing it, and there was much squeeing. It was one hella sunny day down in Cornwall for Jen and Tim's day and it made for one lovely toasty outdoor ceremony. My inner (and often outer, actually) Neighbours geek was excited to see the tables named after iconic Neighbours couples (top table being Karl and Susan - OBVIOUSLY) and decorated with their homemade Neighbours top trump cards. It was pretty rad. Here's how it went down...

1 comment:

  1. Look at that baby Kangaroo - such a sweetie! That aside this looks like an awesome day and beautifully shot.
